Monday 28 August 2017

Safe and Secure Merchant Account for Timeshares
 Nowadays popularity of timeshares is increasing. People love to travel and if there is a good investment then they don’t want to miss it. Whether you want to rent or sell your timeshare on a website, your first priority should be to offer online payment service. You should offer a timely, affordable, and hassle free process so that you can sell your property on huge profit. Here is how Merchant Stronghold can offer you online payment services for these and more:
  • Resale, rentals, and classified services
  • Attorney based timeshare services
  • Reseller clubs and tour operators
  • Timeshare Marketing and advertising companies
  • Ideal for people looking for multiple payment methods
  • Both offshore and domestic merchant services
  • High volume transactions and approvals

Merchant account for Timeshares Business
Timeshares business offers various types of packages, vacation rentals, and airfares. It is considered as high risking business because credit card processing is high trafficked. The transactions also occur via phone and internet, and customers complain about services a lot. It takes a lot of time from booking to receiving, and because of it disputes are common. Few years back, timeshares merchants weren’t offered credit card processing because of frequent cancellations and refunds. Now merchant account providers are able to take the risk, but travel and related business must keep terms and conditions clear.

Credit card fees and charges

There are various fees associated with transactions, mostly depend on customer’s card and type of transaction. Cards such as American express, debit, credit card, and type of business are the key factors. Banks don’t want chargebacks because these cost money so they monitor timeshares business closely. Merchants must check best processing rates and look for an online merchant account that offers high processing limit. Those timeshares businesses with chargeback rate of more than 1% are denied accounts. You should look for merchant account that offers tools to reduce risk of chargebacks.

Trustworthy Merchant account provider

Timeshares business should seek a merchant account that is trustworthy and offer best rates. There are many strategies that can help you lower chargebacks. Effective sales and marketing methods, direct processing, and keeping records can reduce the risk.

Merchant stronghold is familiar with many credit card processors and scenarios. We offer low rates to our timeshares business owners so that they can process credit cards without having to follow bank to bank approval. We can help you by finding credit card processors best suited for your terms, conditions, and rates. Before providing you services, we inform you of advantages and disadvantages so that you are aware of possible risks and benefits. We work with businesses and individuals so that they can get best solution. Merchant stronghold provides education so that you are satisfied with the outcome.

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Saturday 26 August 2017

Get a flexible Payment Gateway for Transportation Services

Hardest thing is finding a merchant service provider who deals with focused services such as car, bus and taxi. These are direct services related to transportation. Direct services are those which help customers to choose from a range of things without third party involvement. It could allow customers to book a taxi in near area with the help of a mobile application or E-commerce website. The application can complete transaction on the spot using Merchant Stronghold’s Payment gateway. It will be quick, simple and clean

Payment brands use codes to classify businesses by the type of goods and services. Payment gateway integration providers use these codes to inform their clients which category a business belongs to. A good example of these codes is MCCs 4000–4799 (Transportation Services). All the numbers between MCC 4000 to 4799 are transportation services such as passenger railways, bus lines, air lines, marine services, courier services, and more.

Merchant Stronghold provides flexible payment gateways for all transportation services. We offer multiple payment options and new features for your customers. Our transportation payment gateways bring innovation to your business type. You get fast support and services. Some of our features include:

  •     Secure multiple payment options
  •     High protection for cardholders and merchants
  •     Future support for mobile payments and EMV

Our payment gateways for your Transportation services can improve business-efficiency and enhance customer experience. You can achieve your goal of a successful business with the help of Merchant Stronghold.

Your first priority is to offer speedy payment system to customers. A flexible and fast payment system makes it easy for merchants to sell. You may be thinking that there are many other merchant services providers so why choose us? First you have to understand few basic things about payment systems.

What is the main building block for online payment application? The very first thing is to keep PCI compliance in consideration and create a system that doesn’t cause problems for you or your customers. A number of things can be done to achieve this goal including:

  •     High security as per international standards
  •     Secure Storing information for repeat or recurring charges
  •     Complete control of design and user experience
  •     Monthly or weekly sale analysis
  •     Multiple payment options integration–and Scalability

There are other things such as currency support, fees, local payment options, disbursement, and others. These things may vary person to person, but above 5 things are building blocks of a system.

When a merchant orders our services, we prepare initial report about payment gateways. If we find out that you need a single payment option then we create that for you, and if you need a customized gateway then we spend our time and effort to create it.

Wоuld you lоvе to be раrt оf thiѕ?? Feel frее tо get in touch ,wе’ll bе glаd to hеаr frоm уоu

Friday 25 August 2017

Most Popular ways to Start Merchant Account for Subscription and Membership

The internet has opened up prosperity of business opportunities for organizer in recent decades, including membership sites. Even if a merchant is offering products or information, the exclusive nature of a membership site promises customers a uniquely rewarding experience. Despite, like many online enterprises that pare out new business slot (or that fill existing niches in new ways), the membership site industry has knowledgeable some bounce as it finds its feet. As a result, it can be a bit tricky for merchants starting up a membership site to do the very thing that makes the endeavor lucrative: collect membership fees from clients via a high risk credit card processing account.

Most conventional economic institution are, by their extremely nature, mindful – both of monetary high risk and of danger to their reputation. If they have concern that assured industry practices general in a certain business might verify “quality destructive,” they’re distant more inclined to cut free any merchant in that field than observe in depth whether an individual customer is occupied in cool business practices. The proprietor of several membership websites originate their merchant accounts immediately closed. The purpose behind this was that MasterCard had released new rule that put certain practices general to the membership site industry model under much greater inspection. Now, membership sites are regarded as High Risk Business merchants whether they take part in these activities or in these exercises not. This makes it hard for an entrepreneur to discover an organization willing to acknowledge his application for a membership site Merchant Account in the first place and even harder to discover one that will offer him practical terms on his account.

Why subscription/Membership Sites are considering “High Risk”?

Before MasterCard’s compact rules were implemented (Visa has also issued similar guidelines), several membership sites used techniques that were extensively regarded as misleading, or even deceptive.

“Harmful decision” enrollment – in other words, the client makes a single payment for a product or service, but in doing so they are automatically signed up for a paid monthly subscription which they must actively cancel or opt out of to avoid being charged.

“Free trials” that aren’t free – the client or member is promised something for “free” (including “conceded charging” or “just pay shipping!”), but the process of obtaining the “free” thing or service results in them unknowingly being signed up for a paid membership or subscription.

Covering terms in the fine print – the Membership site makes the terms of its charges and refund policy approach hard to discover by concealing them amidst an extensive client assertions, or in modest content in some dark corner of the site.
Membership/ Subscription can Affect Your Business?

Your Membership site may be absolutely clear and genuine with its people about any charges to their cards, yet being a bit of an industry with a reputation for precariousness makes it harder to secure an enlistment site portion taking care of record – especially one with respectable rates and conditions. Your best decision is to work with a charge card dealing with association that has some skill in high peril shipper accounts. A part of the portion processors willing to offer you a record may charge high costs or keep down a senselessly broad level of your compensation as a “moving store” to cover the risk of chargebacks and diverse hardships from harried people. While dealing with associations are taking a wager by offering speaks to enlistment districts and need to secure them, these high rates can be troublesome for privately owned businesses. Dealer Stronghold-Merchant Services is cheerful to work with High Risk Merchant and tune in to their requirements to give sensible participation site accounts.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

How do I Set up a Merchant Account?

 Setting up a merchant account is very important and usually it’s not that hard to do it either. What makes a merchant account great is the fact that it allows your company to accept both credit and debit card payments. Usually you will need to have either an agreement with the bank that they process credit card payments or you can work with an independent sales organization, MSP and so on. Either solution works as long as you collaborate with a dedicated financial institution and have a designated point of sale system.

The first thing you have to do is to determine the way credit card payments will work for your company. This means that you need to figure out the type of credit card payments that you want to accept and how you accept those payments. You need to see if you accept website payments, if you want to use a POS solution or mobile payments. You will also have to think about the amount that you get from credit card sales to begin with.

Aside from that, when you create a new offshore merchant account you will need to think about the merchant payment processing and you will also have to make a comparison between all the services offered to you. This way you will be able to see which one actually delivers the best value for your money, so you should consider that as fast as possible. Each merchant account provider has a flat rate that will be charged each time a payment is processed or it might have a percentage fee based on the total transaction amount.

Sometimes you will see that merchant provider options will have software and payment acceptance solutions. Of course, if you do opt for these merchant services you still need to have something that allows you to be in control. It might be challenging at first, but results will end up paying off quite a bit which is exactly what you want to focus on here. Having control over the way your customers pay is very important so try to keep that in mind.

Some of the merchants will set up your account and they will just require you to undergo a credit check and offer a personal guarantee. The application process might take some time though. Once that is done, the setup process will be completed and results will be impressive for sure. What you will like here is the fact that the process is seamless, once you apply for the merchant account, the provider will take care of everything. If you want to skip on some taxes or just want to deal with companies outside your country, you can work with an offshore account provider.

As you can see, setting up a merchant account isn’t that challenging to begin with. It will take some time though, so try to keep that in mind and it will help you quite a bit which is exactly what you want to have!

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Easy and Reasonable Legal Document Preparation Service For Merchant

Every year, billions of dollars are being loaned to understudies. Quite naturally, there are scammers who attempt get your cash offering services that you should study well so to avoid being scammed.

The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) has always cautioned understudies about what to look out for when you require an understudy credit or some assistance with respect to it.

Understudy Loan Debt Help

Many organizations promote they can facilitate you with your credits/loan, and you can see them publicize on Facebook, on Google, or even send emails messages. Before making any move with these organizations, don’t forget that you don’t have to pay somebody to get help with your Federal understudy credits/loan if you don’t want to.

If you’re a document preparation services for merchant Account, consider turning to the #1 High Risk Payment Gateway provider in the US, Merchant Stronghold to get the best for your High Risk Business wants and needs.

Merchant Stronghold offers a secure and low-cost Document Preparation Merchant Account to companies providing document preparation services regarding student loan consolidation, loan counseling, loan and modification services.. Merchant Stronghold is one of Inc. Fastest Growing Companies of 2017.
Sophisticated Fee Scam

This scam has to do with a student credit/loan organization offering you the “best” interest rate and loan terms. You’ll be requested have to pay a “little” fee up front for their service.
Credit Consolidation Scam

On account of the most widely recognized understudy credit combination trick, the organization charges a solidification expense, yet really doesn’t make any move. The expense will frequently be spoken to as a preparing charge, managerial charge, or solidification expense.
Student Loan Scam Lawsuit-Law Office

A law office will offer to settle your understudy credit obligation. You can come across lots of variations of this scam. A student aid company may contact you and promise that the given law firm can settle your student loan debt for thousands less than you owe.

Monday 21 August 2017

Improper Merchant Underwriting Directly Affects Your Business

To acquire a customary Merchant Account, your business must experience go through a wide analysis process called merchant underwriting. Sorry to say but some Merchant Account Provider doesn’t satisfactorily underwrite businesses, which can rapid issues down the line.

Merchant Account underwriting is completed by an individual or team of high risk analysts and in general takes two days to a week to complete, depending on the provider. For businesses needing a quick fix, there are options that don’t require any underwriting — but those have their own drawbacks. More on that later.
First, let’s go over what underwriters usually review.

Representative Merchant Underwriting Process
The vital goal is to evaluate the business’s level of high risk for the provider. Why? Because of a high risk merchant account is fundamentally a line of credit. If a business is strike with a chargebacks, but doesn’t have enough funds in the bank to pay it, the provider fronts that expenditure right away.

Just before truthfully establish the High Risk Business level, providers review the following:

Industry Type— every business kind has its own level of risk. For example, a business that swipes cards is less inclined to deception/fraud and chargebacks, and is therefore less dangerous, than a business that sells products on the web. The riskier the business, the more support documents and information required for review.
Business History and Policies— This incorporates years in industry, billing, shipping and return policies (if applicable). Organizations that ship products are more risky because the product might not be delivered, which can result in a chargeback.
Merchant History and Card Acceptance Method(s)— Providers will need to know things like your business’s chargeback ratio (over 1 percent is a red flag), whether your business is or has been on the Merchant Terminated File and, if so, why. Most providers evaluate current merchant statements to get an idea of processing volume and methods of acceptance. Businesses accepting tips or phone and online orders are taken into consideration for added features and security measures, if approved.
Processing Limits Requested— Providers will take these into consideration in conjunction with the above information. Providers should set your limits at a happy medium — they should accommodate your regular processing without giving too much room in the event of a large fraudulent charge. If your business doesn’t need very high limits, your account shouldn’t be set up that way.
Financial Stability— This can include a look at the business’s bank statements, its financials and, usually, the owner’s credit. This is vital for high-risk businesses, as this information can make or break the merchant underwriting approval.

Some providers inadequately review businesses, resulting in issues after they’ve started processing.

Poor Merchant Underwriting After effects

Without an in-depth analysis, your High Risk Business may suffer from one or all of the following:

Incorrect Limits— whether you’re left with insufficient or excessive limits, it’s a problem. Limits that are too low will hinder your business from processing your regular transaction amounts, which may prevent customers from paying on time and constrict your cash flow. If limits are set too high, you may get hit with major fraudulent charges you can’t cover.
Hidden Volume Fees– Some providers will give you a limit, but let you exceed it without warning. The penalty? You’re charged an additional fee on either the volume that went over your limit or on the entire processing volume for that month.
Downgrades– If your account is set up without certain features and security measures, you’re susceptible to transaction downgrades, which mean you’re unnecessarily paying higher transaction costs. Providers often fail to set up accounts with these features because it means more money in their pockets on the downgraded transactions.

Some businesses opt for an account with Payment Facilitators, such as PayPal, Stripe or Square, which bypass merchant underwriting altogether. While they may seem like a better option, these alternatives have their own pitfalls. 
Speak with a specialist about underwriting at 888-622-6875.

Friday 18 August 2017

How to overcome the Difficulty of High Risk Payment gateway for Collections Account

 Having Problem to getting a Collection Account with Payment gateway?
Standing issues in business, there’s no doubt. An extraordinary name can permit you to take your business to levels you never envisioned conceivably; an awful one can devastate you before you even open the ways to your store. 
Trustworthiness, for better or for worse, also matters when you attempt to secure a merchant account for your company’s credit card processing & Check processing ACH processing. But not your reputation, no matter how pristine and spotless it might be.No, banks and MasterCard organizations that offer Merchant account rather take a gander at the notoriety of your industry with regards to auditing your application, and the tragic truth of it is, most ordinary suppliers will turn down somebody in the debt collecting office industry without even a moment look.
What kind of things to working against collection Account/Agencies ?
Different determinant that prompt this negative conclusion held by offshore merchant account suppliers are the quantity of charge backs that a business encounters. As most gathering office proprietors can let you know, there are a lot of individuals who guarantee to make an installment, and afterward call sometime later to their bank or Mastercard or Credit card Company and cross out it. Since this includes a considerable measure of income to and from a business, banks get stressed that the gathering organization won’t have enough cash to pay its clients and that reimbursement will turn into the bank’s concern.
The charge back factor additionally prompts the danger of strength for debt collecting offices. Many have high representative turnover, caused to a great extent by work related anxiety. Since numerous gathering organization representatives’ pay is attached specifically to rewards, many will leave in a hurry if a steadier open door tags along.
What type of merchant account providers accepts high risk business solution?
In any case, while some typical Providers see just “high Risk business”, a lot of others see group organizations as authentic organizations keep running by genuine individuals out to give an administration that is unmistakably required, particularly in the current advanced scene where misrepresentation is uncontrolled and individuals appear to have unending methods for purchasing things without each really being responsible for paying for them.

It is regularly the little trader account suppliers who will fill in as the waypoint for accumulations charge card preparing in light of the fact that they themselves have encountered a comparative circumstance – being too little, new, or “deceitful” to secure finances or credits from gigantic foundations.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Easy and Reasonable Legal Document Preparation Service For Merchant

Every year, billions of dollars are being loaned to understudies. Quite naturally, there are scammers who attempt get your cash offering services that you should study well so to avoid being scammed.

The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) has always cautioned understudies about what to look out for when you require an understudy credit or some assistance with respect to it.
Understudy Loan Debt Help
Many organizations promote they can facilitate you with your credits/loan, and you can see them publicize on Facebook, on Google, or even send emails messages. Before making any move with these organizations, don’t forget that you don’t have to pay somebody to get help with your Federal understudy credits/loan if you don’t want to.

If you’re a document preparation services for merchant Account, consider turning to the #1 High Risk Payment Gateway provider in the US, Merchant Stronghold to get the best for your High Risk Business wants and needs.

Merchant Stronghold offers a secure and low-cost Document Preparation Merchant Account to companies providing document preparation services regarding student loan consolidation, loan counseling, loan and modification services.. Merchant Stronghold is one of Inc. Fastest Growing Companies of 2017.

Sophisticated Fee Scam
This scam has to do with a student credit/loan organization offering you the “best” interest rate and loan terms. You’ll be requested have to pay a “little” fee up front for their service.

Credit Consolidation Scam
On account of the most widely recognized understudy credit combination trick, the organization charges a solidification expense, yet really doesn’t make any move. The expense will frequently be spoken to as a preparing charge, managerial charge, or solidification expense.

Student Loan Scam Lawsuit-Law Office
A law office will offer to settle your understudy credit obligation. You can come across lots of variations of this scam. A student aid company may contact you and promise that the given law firm can settle your student loan debt for thousands less than you owe.

Tuesday 15 August 2017

How to Get A High Risk Merchant Account for Tech Support Business

 How Technical Support Services Work
When I started my research of this business, I communicated a number of people who I thought might have some practice in managing with such merchants and what I heard from them didn’t precisely come as a surprise to me. Most of my contemporaries warned me that such businesses were very difficult to work with — that their company practices were doubtful, that they could infrequently produce all of the required paperwork, which they were slow to follow up on information requests that their chargeback ratios were sky-high, that customer objection levels were off the chart and so on. “Where have I heard that before?”, I wondered. And my initial practice rapidly confirmed the authenticity of these warnings. However, I had the good fortune to quickly stumble upon a merchant which turned out to be hard, trustworthy and following a set of best practices, which ensured low levels of customer complaints and chargebacks. Equally as important, it also had grown to a reputable processing volume — about $500,000 a month and growing.

Finding the best payment processing solutions can be difficult for tech support merchants operating internationally.

Whether you offer remote tech support assistance or in-office computer services, Merchant stronghold provides customizable Merchant Accounts. For tech support With Merchant stronghold, you will be connected to a vast network of domestic, offshore and international acquiring banks that can approve you regardless of your geographical location.

Tech Support Merchant Account Fees

Our tech support merchant account fees are competitive and affordable, and our application process is free. Once our underwriting department matches you with one of our acquiring banking partners, the bank will then process your application and determine your merchant account fees.

Since banks determine fees on a case-by-case basis, we cannot provide you with exact fees until the underwriting process is complete. However, you can contact us for your free quote.
How to Get and — More Importantly — Keep a Merchant Account
This particular merchant is based in the U.S. and, by the time it contacted us, it had gone through several offshore merchant account with some of the biggest U.S. processors, a couple of which were still active. Now, this is an error which you should not repeat — don’t open up many merchant accounts at once, unless you actually need and use them all. Otherwise, processors get nervous and understandably so — what is to say that the new Merchant Account you are applying for would not just lie dormant or be replaced in the near future?
In the event, we asked our merchant to explain why it had gone through all these merchant accounts and received a satisfactory explanation. I should also add that the merchant had already received notices that its remaining two accounts would be closed within a month, which brings me to the next lesson — if you operate an online tech support business, the mainstream processors would not be a viable option — even if you do manage to get an account with them set-up and functioning, it is inevitable that it will be closed just as soon as their risk department takes a close look at it. What you need is a high-risk solution, although not necessarily an offshore one.

Merchant Stronghold’s Technical Support Checklists’

Merchant represents and warrants each of the following by checking it and signing below:

Merchant is engaged in the business of offering technical support services and has obtained, and througout the term of the agreement will maintain, all local, state, and federal licenses, registrations, and approvals required to conduct such business. All technical support services for which Merchant services charges any customer will be provided only by the Merchant, and will not be referred, re-directed, or outsourced to any third party.

Merchant understands, currently fully complies with, and during the term of the agreement, will fully comply with all relevant provisions of all of the following as amended from time to time: section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, 15 U.S.C. §45;

Merchant will immediately notify MSH and Bank in writing of any inquiry, investigation, complaint, charge, subpoena, claim, request for information, judgment, injunction order, cease and desist order, any similar judicial, quasi-judicial, administrative, or executive order, or any license or permit revocation or cancellation by any local, state or federal law enforcement or regulatory agency, entity, or official in connection with or relating to Merchant’s business including without limitation any complaints, charges or claims against Merchant by any customers of Merchant or by any local, state or federal official.

Fееl frее to get in tоuсh, wе’ll bе glаd tо hеаr from уоu!

Saturday 12 August 2017

Essential Steps to start credit repair Business with Merchant Account

 Credit Repair High Risk Business – Your mission for the finest Merchant Services Is Here!

Brushing up a creditreport or giving credit rebuilding services is an extremely lucrative business on the grounds that numerous clients endure higher financing costs because of their poor credit score and will be cheerful to pay a little cost for it to be making something right.

Is it true that you are considering beginning up your own credit repair business?

Fortunate are that you have officially attempted to get your Merchantaccount and have been turned down various times. This is on the grounds that your business sort is marked as ‘High Risk business and hence the acquiring banks are reluctant to underwrite.

A business can be named as High Risk Business if there is a higher probability of charge backs or fraud. Be that as it may, all expectation is not lost as banks are not your exclusive source ofcredit card processing. Presently you can make utilization of our Merchant
services benefits that are quick to take into account the requirements of a high Riskmerchantaccount like you.

Payment Processing Solution just for you!

When you proposal services online, a Payment processing solution, Payment processor is quite predictable. You will need a secure payment gateway or Merchantaccount that will accept a variety of credit cards and debits cards. still, if you controlled to acquire a Merchant Account on your personal, you will know that finding a Payment Processor who won’t reject a credit repair service will be tremendously complex.

Popular payment gateways such as First Data or PayPal cannot even accept credit card your business as it is a destruction of their policy. This is where our merchant services can help as we are trained working with credit restoration businesses. We can provide you with secure Payment Gateway on your own e-commerce website to help your clients with a smooth transaction every time.


Are you New in credit repair Business?

We know that new business venture needs the same support as the established ones. It can be quite provoking to run around from pole to pole looking for services that promise you fewer rates and end up charging you more with hidden costs. We offer competitive rates.


An offshore Merchant account is the entire you require


You may think that household merchantaccount processing is better because they recommend lower rates, but you can profit by going in for an offshore Merchant account, the settlement (profit) of which are listed below
  •        No problem with high volume chargeback
  •        Perfect for start-up businesses
  •        Business with poor credit scores
  •        Businesses placed in the TMF list
  •        Superior or no volume capping
  •        Comfortable underwriting rules

Thursday 10 August 2017

High Risk Merchant Account for Gaming Business

 As of now, the greatest internet gaming markets are generally found in the EU. The European online betting industry is justified regardless of an anticipated 10 billion Euros. The reason is that a few nations, for example, the US and China confine betting intensely or permit it in specific territories like Las Vegas and Macau.

In spite of the fact that an ever increasing number of web based wagering organizations are developing, there is still a lot of room in the business, which is anticipated to represent twofold digit development in 2017 and the years to come.

Merchant Services for online gambling 
Online gambling is regularly known as gaming inside the merchant services industry. It’s selected as high risk by most card processing providers. The reasons are as follows:
Online betting organizations highlight a high-volume turnover

Most gaming businesses are based offshore
On the off chance that the business is a startup or new, getting banks can be put off by the absence of credit and exchange history

In any case, in the event that you operate in the high risk industry such as gaming and internet betting, you shouldn’t think you can’t secure a merchant account for your business. All you require is to turn to a reputable payment processor like that specializes in the high risk area and knows your professional business like no one else. Merchant Stronghold specializes in merchant accounts developed specifically for gaming and casino companies.

Gaming Merchant Account from Merchant Stronghold
Merchant Stronghold specializes in both online gaming merchant accounts and online gaming payment gateways and offers the best gaming merchant account in the industry. Merchant Stronghold’s team of experts in online gambling payment processors work intimately with suppliers to guarantee you can get the best for your business needs.

Voted the #1 High Risk Merchant Account Services Provider in 2015, and 2016. Merchant Stronghold specializes in high risk and offshore merchant accounts.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Merchant Account Is The Key For Small Business

You need a merchant account to succeed if you are a small business. Providing multiple payment options to your customers has proven to increases sale and offer a lot more opportunities to a Small Business.

Small business credit card processing is all about secure platform for the customers. One of the crucial steps for any business is choosing a high risk merchant account provider. If you are running a mall then cash only approach may work, but according to research, companies may miss sale because many customers want to do online shopping. According latest research by Javelin Strategy and Research, online payments methods have out placed cash only approach.

Credit Card Acceptance: Accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover

These days only few people carry cash, rests rely on credit cards. There are only four major card brands through, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. For a small business, credit card processing is incredibly important. According to a report by market watch, 60 percent of the points of sale transactions rely on debit or credit cards. Many studies have pointed that business owners who offer multiple payment methods are likely to succeed. By providing multiple payment methods, a company is likely to attract large number of customers from around the globe. Credit card payment makes purchase process secure and easy for customers, and it also helps business to keep record of sales.

Why your small business needs a merchant account?

The easiest way for small businesses to accept credit card is via offshore merchant account. A merchant who want to expand business to reach wide audience require a payment gateway. Merchant accounts have tools that can accept any type of card via virtual terminal. Any business can integrate more than one payment methods on their online e-commerce site. When a merchant provider is done setting up the account, accepting credit cards becomes easier for business owners.

Merchant Stronghold is the right choice – Many merchants think that it is expensive to accept cards, but this is not always the case. Some merchant account providers such as Merchant Stronghold, A leading Payment Gateway Provider which provides competitive rates so that small businesses can succeed by offering multiple payment options to their customers.

Merchant Stronghold speak with every small business owner to explain them everything, we also guide them to handle their merchant account. There is a variety of choices offered to merchants to make it simple and secure for their customers. Merchants can access their account via mobile and other platforms. Merchants also get 24/7 customer support to keep the business running smoothly. We use latest technology to ensure merchants are happy and their business is safe from frauds. You can contact us and we will help drive your business to new heights.

Wednesday 2 August 2017

How Quick Our Merchant Account Is?

Dealing with bounced checks and running to banks is time consuming and unnecessary. An instant merchant account by Merchant Stronghold can save your time; your customers can pay via much easier and flexible way. It will not only save time, but you will save money as well. If you are expecting increase in sale, you need an account that is capable of handling future upgrades. If your business is growing and you need a best merchant account, then don’t pass up merchant Stronghold’s certified payment processing service.

Accept Credit Card Flexibly

As time passes, your business will grow big and more distinct. A business that grows consistently needs a flexible payment gateway that has enough room when there is pool of customers, merchant stronghold provide these systems to business owners. Not every merchant account provider will offer flexible account that grows with your business.

There are many options along with a payment gateway, your account will cover most of the platform to keep your business running. You can choose from a range of equipment and credit cards, with our help, you can integrate mobile payment system and more.

How quick Merchant Stronghold Accounts are?

There are many ways to obtain Merchant Stronghold’s account quickly. We have many services, applications, and pre-qualifications which can make whole process easy for you. You can easily find a best solution from range of services.

Most companies will charge money for each and every process, but we feature quick and free applications that can connect your business with customers. Our flexible payment gateway doesn’t take much time; it can be installed once merchant qualifies. It is common to set up a merchant account within a week or less. Everything depends on how quickly business owner provides information about the business.

Keep in consideration that to provide a best merchant account, we need support from the applicant. If you want your account to function as soon as possible, you need to be prepared. All of the business documents should be available so that our experts can fast forward the application process. If you want to know requirements to get started, you can contact us and we will share every single detail. Merchant accounts by merchant stronghold are among the flexible servers that can be installing quickly. We can also upgrade the system at any time on your request.

A perfect payment processing solution method

Merchant Stronghold provides quick accounts to low and high risk businesses. We have a wide list of partners that trust us, and we have high approval rate. No matter which business you are running, we will find a solution for it. Whether it is a clothing business, pharmaceutical, or any other business with high risk, you can contact us and will inform you about document required and all the fees associated with a merchant account.

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Tuesday 1 August 2017

 Merchant Stronghold provides credit card processing gateways that are tailored for your direct marketing business. Grow your Direct Marketing business by providing multiple payment options to your customers.

Efficient Front end Systems and Credit Card Processing Gateway to integrate with Stronghold’s gateway API and be able to provide instant successful transactions is important especially for a Direct marketing System. Stronghold’s credit card processing gateway not only accepts payment, but also compiles reports so that merchants can keep records of transactions. Many companies these days promise to deliver these efficient systems, but most of them focus upon providing fancy systems rather than better security. Merchant stronghold on the other hand not only have the most secure and solid gateways available, but also close all loop holes that can harm payment system of your direct marketing business.

Rather than using physical terminals, your customers can use secure online gateways for making transactions. There are many advantages; business get daily  batch reports, multi batch reports, decline reasons , successful transactions, refunds ,  sorting last 30 days transactions, and much more. All these can be done using your personal or business computer. The Gateway also captures the IP Address and reports it in the system using the iSpyFraud Technology.
Online Payment Gateway

Our virtual gateways can make credit card processing money saving, which means your business pay less amount to process transactions. Merchant stronghold makes sure that every transaction is secure.  In order to provide better direct marketing gateways, we have set ourselves apart from our competition. We offer services that are tailored for your business – A glimpse of our methods:

Safe and Secure Processing: All the credit card processing transactions go through multiple secure servers means no data is stored on your business computer. This makes direct marketing processing safe and secure.
Customer Support: The first thing that any business should focus upon is better customer support. Our team is available to help you deal with any payment issue. You can contact us and discuss issues and they will be resolve timely so that your direct marketing business thrives.
eChecks: Gateway allows you to accept echecks too! Accept Credit Cards and eChecks in the same Gateway.
Flexible Settlement Times: The business can customize or set a certain time for the transactions to be batched out and be sent out for settlement.
User Access: Our direct marketing credit card processing gateways give users multiple options. Your customers get email receipts at the time of processing. This ensures that transaction is authentic and quick. 
All the records are kept for future references.
ISpyFraud Technology: ISpyFraud Technology helps to monitor and capture customers IP address at the time of the transaction. Geo Locations and IP Address helps reduce online fraud and is the first choice for a direct marketing business when it comes to accepting credit cards. Don’t let your merchant face the risks of accepting payments without adequate protection. Get in touch with our to learn more about how to help your customers guard against fraudulent transactions.

If many of your transactions are face to face, then you are not providing enough options to your customers. We can offer your customers easy and reliable options that will suit their payment method. Ever transactions made through our systems will be safe and your customers will get notification of their recent transaction. What is the best part in all this? You are paying less money and getting premium credit card processing gateway.

How to sign up for getting your offshore merchant account? It is quick and easy! Start an online application or call one of our merchant specialists will walk you through the process. We offer various services, and based on your requirement, we will provide a payment solution that will best suite your direct marketing business.